Yok Chan looking at the new website

What YCCO achieved in 2023

As we’re well into 2024 now, we’re busy working on our goals for this year but before we list those, we wanted to take a moment to look at what we achieved in our first proper year.

We’re patting ourselves on the back a bit in terms of some wee milestones we achieved last year. Even though relatively small, to us they were essential goals that got us a little bit closer to being more of a legitimate business. Here we go:

Goal 1: We increased our production from 60 odd jars per week, to 240 jars a week. An increase from before was essential if we were going to accommodate any spike in sales.

Goal 2: We relaunched our website! This was priority number one as we needed a base for anyone to find out more about us, plus a place to order online. This was a big ol job as we did it ourselves with no prior experience.

There was a lot of head scratching, going around in circles and indeed some dithering, but we finally launched in October 2023. It’s live and it’s working, which is massive for us, especially as anyone who can’t reach any of our stockists can now once again order online for delivery.

Goal 3: Regular, flexible supply. Ooo another big one. Before we were sourcing ingredients on a small scale, and also ad hoc. We had some challenges with chilli suppliers during the pandemic which almost caused us to almost stop the business entirely. In order to even think of progressing, we needed to nail down an array of suppliers that were more reliable and also flexible enough to accommodate our needs. After all it is a bit volatile out there in terms of supply chain, in which anything can happen.

These were the goals that we achieved which at our level and after one year operating properly, wasn’t so bad really. In hindsight, they were fundamental aspects of our business that needed tying up before (at least in my eyes) anything remotely aimed at expanding, could be approached.

As always, we couldn’t have done it without your help and support. For that, we are always grateful.

So what’s in store for 2024? Tune into our next few blogs to find out.

Big love



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